Metallica bassist Robert Trujillo is the ultimate team player in the "Four Horsemen". Harmony is more important to him than songwriting.

Robert Trujillo: My role is to support the team
Robert Trujillo could also bring a lot to Metallica musically , but the bassist sees his role with the thrash giants more in the interpersonal or team area. The 60-year-old said this in the 'One Life One Chance With Toby Morse' podcast when the conversation turned to his creative involvement. "When you enter a new situation as a songwriter, you don't know if you're going to be a songwriter ," analyzed Robert Trujillo.
Clear Priority
"And in my other situations, I was a songwriter - 100 percent. Even with Ozzy Osbourne, I wrote some real stuff before I left. That was always important to me. But here's the thing: I'm joining Metallica. And these guys write fantastic songs. I'm not going to suddenly force myself into that. I want people to be happy and feel comfortable. My role is to always support where the team needs it." Even though Robert Trujillo doesn't appear that often in the songwriting credits, he still contributes because he is constantly present during the writing and jams with James Hetfield , among others .Nevertheless, the bassist believes it is very important to pay attention to the band's climate. "How do you deal with the personalities? You're going to live with these people. You have to respect that. And you have to respect people when you're in the presence of others. You also have to help carry people. All that stuff comes into play. You help each other through life. Everyone works together. And the weak links are severed really quickly. That's one thing about our team: everyone gets along with each other. You're there for the right reasons and you trust everyone. And that's how it should be."